Legacy Information


NAMAC- Recognized Programs

All programs having NAMAC recognition are eligible to advance to pre-accreditation candidacy until March 31, 2023. The eligibility application and fee will be waived during this period.

To begin your Candidacy Application, send an email to NAMAC’s Executive Director.

Other Programs

We are also accepting applications from programs that have not been recognized, but meet the eligibility criteria. If you are not a recognized program and wish to explore accreditation, please contact NAMAC’s Executive Director.

Entering into Candidacy: Requirements

Programs applying for pre-accreditation candidacy during the legacy period must provide the following information to be accepted into candidacy:

  1. A electronic version of your current Student Handbook.

  2. Payment of the first year's candidacy fee in the amount of $1,500.

  3. Attendance at a mandatory orientation meeting (via Zoom) with NAMAC’s Executive Director.

Important Information

  • Programs entering pre-accreditation candidacy will have 3 years to complete their Self-Study report.

  • Candidacy status must be renewed annually with submission of the candidacy fee and a status report.

  • In addition to the mandatory orientation meeting, ongoing structured support will be provided to applicants to assist with preparation of the self-study materials.